The Vancouver Dojo was founded by Mike Nakatsu in 2003 to make good on a promise to Toda-sensei in Fukuoka to bring Kyudo to Canada.  Starting with equipment donated by Toda-sensei, the club practiced at a variety of locations until finding a home thanks to the generous support of the Vancouver Japanese Language School.

In 2007, the Vancouver Dojo was brought under the wing of the American Kyudo Renmei as an affiliate dojo of the Georgia Kyudo Renmei.  Ed Symmes-sensei become our Renmei president and sponsored seminars until Canada formed its own renmei in 2010. 

In 2008 the Toronto Dojo (Seikyu Kai) was formed and together with the Vancouver Dojo in 2010 founded the Kyudo Association of Canada, which is a member of the International Kyudo Federation. 

In 2024, the Vancouver Dojo was incorporated as a BC not for profit society as the Vancouver Kyudo Club. (https://orgbook.gov.bc.ca/entity/S0079662)


President: Jason Hung

Vice President: Linda Kong

Secretary: Amy Kwee

Treasurer: Alice Chien

Membership Director: Nana Fujino


Senior Manager: Mike Nakatsu

Webmaster: Willis Kwee